The BCTSA was founded in March 1960 by seven founder members.
Mr. T.A.L. Roberts – President
Dr. Peter Branch – Club Captain
Mr. Louis Brooks – Secretary
Mr. David Yearwoood – Treasurer
Mr. L.C.M. Archer
Mr. George Bancroft
Mr. Basil Brooks
The first shoot took place at Shop Hill, St. Thomas on the 6th of June 1960. The trap range and layout was based on English Down-the-line and ATA.
Skeet shooting was introduced in 1963 with the first shoot taking place on the 7th of September, 1963 and was based on English skeet shooting.
On March 5th 1973 our club was demolished by fire which started in a cane field east of the club house and our Landlord suggested that we look for an alternative site as the land was to be developed for housing.
We rebuilt our clubhouse, trap and skeet range at our present location, Searles Plantation, Christ Church, in 1973 – the first shoot taking place on 19th may 1973.
By this time we were shooting International skeet with a timer delay and we also speeded up the trap as much as possible to meet International trap shooting standards.
In 1975 we laid down an additional trap range so that both disciplines could be shot at the same time and we could shoot under the regulations of universal Trench.
History Of the BCTSA